Through time, the World, the people and the always civilized society has seen all the faces behind that beautiful yet so ugly mask. If time spoke someday and we all become patient listeners, we will definitely have no place to hide, because we have made it so obvious, in a nutshell we lie to ourselves. Philosophy, History, our origins have been molded in such a way that time itself speechless.
I was reading the newspaper the other day and there was one article that spoke about "talking plants " and then i thought to myself are they really writing this. Are we (Human Beings) the only species that communicate with one another ! Do animals and plants talk ? They do more than we understand. There is no substantial proof of it but has everything to be proven. Can somebody, anybody for that matter prove love, hatred, feelings, emotions, Guess not ! Anyways coming back to the article i was talking about. The Holy Book of Sikhs Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji which goes back to the early 15th century to early 17th century said that plants can communicate, Terrence Mckenna also said the same thing but there was no way to prove it, now that they have found a way to calculate it and put it on the paper that plants can communicate, hence its proven!
Ancient civilizations, cultures whether mythical or not said that plants were there allies, healers, shamans, teachers but nobody gave a shit about it. Now the scientists are talking and giving away facts, we have proved it, its there. But it was not until they realized.
All civilizations or cultures modern or ancient have used some kind of shaman/teacher/healer/ ally, to know there higher-self. The pursuit of knowing oneself and connecting to the source does not apply anymore, we are more like those zombies who eat, pray and work, we no-longer connect with selves, we didn't have time to do that. We have been mis-guided so very well that there is almost nothing we can do about it, even though we know that something is missing in our lives ( the inner peace ) is no longer available. Our truth-seekers, our philosophers, our priests, our healers are in a dilemma, the luxury of materialistic aspects struck mankind so hard that our ancestors lived in an illusion, they lived a mythical life, well Rome wasn't build in one day, Pyramids are still standing the gaint olmec heads still remain, how backward and illiterate can our ancestors be, how arrogant, how egoistic bastards of us to call them mythical, illusionists---- we have mastered the technique of lying to ourselves, we really live in a denial.
Sometimes i think that it is better to walk-away from all this, but then again what difference will it make, i will disappoint a couple of souls and make none happy. But if you really gotta do something about it, then you gotta pull yourself together and do whatever you can to spread the truth, the happiness, the lost peace and love.
One day we all are going to get lost in midst of stars and turn into cosmic dust.