
Friday, March 8, 2013

Sanity in an Insane world would be considered a disease.

Most ignorance is vincible ignorance. We don't know because we don't want to know. It is our will that decides how and upon what subjects we shall use our intelligence. The behavior of the insane is merely sane behavior a bit exaggerated and distorted. Sanity and Insanity are mere perceptions of our evolving mind. Societies, civilization's have witnessed this sane and insane behavior from time to time. And this act of perceiving is nothing more than the manifestation of ideas and thoughts in our minds. Ideas and thoughts that describe our ways of life, ideas and thoughts that explain societies and give meaning to them. 

"Had there been one god Islam/Christianity/Judaism/Buddhism/Sikhism wouldn't have existed, there would have been one universal truth."

The only explanation that i can come up with is the only reason that there are so many religions is because man is dynamic in nature, it is in his nature to evolve, to change and we evolved from the sub-atomic to the cosmic. What is good for one society does not mean should be good for another society and that is the reason we have so many faiths. 

"Religious suffering is, at the same time, the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people".
                                                                                                                                           Karl Marx 

Our societies are nothing more than a perception or an idea or a thought of an idealistic mind. I am not a critic, all i have is curiosity, and i am sure we all have that curiosity at some point in our lives, we all want to know the meaning and purpose of this life. Societies are nothing but a perception of an idealistic mind. There is only one thing that has been constant throughout the history of human civilization and that is human evolution. We are evolving every day of our lives and i don't want to be a judge of this evolution whether it is for our good or for our bad, but one thing i know is that it is innate. Then comes the question, why do we evolve at the very first place ( and i am not speaking biologically ). Is it because we thrive for a better life for ourselves ? Or is it because it is in our nature ? Or simply because we are moving towards a perfect society ? What is better life ? In today's world or the new modern world better life is defined by consumerism and capitalism which are conflicting enough to start a world war 3. And if it is in our nature to evolve, then why do we have different meanings of evolution in different societies, 'evolution' is just one word and has one meaning, societies can't interpret evolution according to their understanding of the subject. It is often said and misunderstood that the western societies evolved before the eastern societies. If that had been true it would have been a different story then, i don't want to go back in the past, so i would just point out the events which are not even 100 years old ! I can't think of anything sane and say that the ' Two World Wars' were fought for some noble cause. On the other hand only if i am an insane person then i can find a thousand reasons. 

Perfection is an illusion, it's almost a universal truth. Let's assume for a while that we people as a species achieved the level of perfection, the so called altered states on consciousness. I would like to define perfection before i go further with this. An example of a perfect society would be something that our beloved Aldous Huxley defined in his novel 'Brave New World' 1931. A society without any disease , without any stress, without any conflict. In a nutshell a perfect society will be a society living in total peace, love and harmony whether it is achieved by its evolving nature or it is genetically modified hardly matters.

Having said that, i don't think that any of the above mentioned facts would give even a satisfactory answer to the meaning and purpose of this life. Yes we have come a long way, we have traveled a long way. We were primitive, we were promiscuous, barbaric and in-humane as some might say and to be honest that hasn't changed much, we still are the same we used to be ten's of thousand years ago, only the ways have changed ! I don't judge societies or people on the basis of their ideology or school of thought, in fact i don't judge them at all. If i would judge societies then i would really say that we were a perfect society back in the primitive times, when we were promiscous, when we used to have social orgies, when there was no discovery of self, when ego did not exist. And if i judge the modern and civilized man, i see nothing more than a slave to the industrial and technological growth. Everyone is trying hard to find a purpose/meaning of this life be it a religious person, an atheist or a genuinely spiritual person. I don't have answers to any of the questions, that i asked though i am looking for them just like anyone out there, but i am afraid i can't do it because death does not gives any explanation or any answer, its simply void, though religion tells me about heaven and hell, spiritually tells me about the soul and god , but both soul and god are intangible. Manifestations of our mind to escape from the fear of simply dying !

"Nirvana is where there is no birth, no extinction, it is seeing into the state of suchness, absolutely transcending all the categories constructed by mind."

Whatever i have written in my previous blogs and in this one too is already known to our mind, if not to all then at-least to some of them. But our mind is still incapable of accepting them as if it was behaving in a systematic way. I know it sounds cynical and contradictory but it is the truth, i mean what else can a human mind possibly know,  people claim that they are creationists and discoverers but what is there to create when there is no such thing as creation, i know it sounds very disturbing, but reality in itself is disturbing, we don't know yet for sure. Just to make it more clear, lets take an example, a human mind knows only 7 basic colors termed as 'VIBGYOR' and that probability is that we may come up with a thousand more shades of VIBGYOR or may be some more, what happens after that, Does the creativity die, it cannot die because it never existed, same goes with other things as well. Creativity can only be possible if we had infinite possibilities, but unfortunately our mind only understands finite. And same thing applies on discoverers as well, we only discover or create things that can be recognized by the human mind. "Columbus discovered America", this is the most up-surd and hilarious phrase i have ever heard. If we literally go by the above statement, there is a probability that America does not existed before Columbus. There is nothing you can create out of this world, a creation or a discovery would be discovering other life forms far out in the space !