
Friday, August 31, 2012

Seeing the unseen

I abandoned any conventional ideas about what we should and shouldn't do years ago. Now i simply follow the natural morality of love. It seems to me that if we act from love, making sure that no one gets hurt, we're free to do whatever we want. The ethical rules that confine most people are society's attempt to give us guidelines about how to live together harmoniously. If we're lost in separateness, we go along  with the social norms to fit in and avoid retribution. But true morality is not about rules, it's about our state of consciousness. If we're awake and experiencing big-love, we don't need rules to stop us from taking advantage of others, since we can't help but act lovingly. Great-men were all considered lunatics, because they were free thinkers, they did not resonate with the idea of being governed by something which is already there, they looked for answers, they asked questions and when questions began unfolding mysteries they were all locked up with time.

Our freedom, our lives have been taken away and that too willingly, we have given-up on ourselves, as if there's nothing that we can do, of-course prevention is better then cure, but when the disease affects the roots of our beginning, the idea of prevention does not apply, our only remedy is our mind and the love we have for each-other and everything around us. Some wise men call it "HOPE".

We have been given a chance of to experience the human way of living, our body is going to last for 50-60 odd years, may be 100, but the way we are living our lives living for a century is not worth it, with all the negativity and hate around you and not to mention round the clock stress that we have not just physically but spiritually as well. This is not the way to experience anything, its more like doing your time here, makes no sense. We should enjoy, make love, spread happiness and peace.

How difficult, how much demanding and how challenging is the simple idea of living harmoniously; with love for each-other.

"In the SOCIETY of SAINTS , I'M my own remedy."

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Lost in time; found in space

Through time, the World, the people and the always civilized society has seen all the faces behind that beautiful yet so ugly mask. If time spoke someday and we all become patient listeners, we will definitely have no place to hide, because we have made it so obvious, in a nutshell we lie to ourselves. Philosophy, History, our origins have been molded in such a way that time itself speechless.

I was reading the newspaper the other day and there was one article that spoke about  "talking plants " and then i thought to myself are they really writing this. Are we (Human Beings) the only species that communicate with one another ! Do animals and plants talk ? They do more than we understand. There is no substantial proof of it but has everything to be proven. Can somebody, anybody for that matter prove love, hatred, feelings, emotions, Guess not ! Anyways coming back to the article i was talking about. The Holy Book of Sikhs Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji which goes back to the early 15th century to early 17th century said that plants can communicate, Terrence Mckenna also said the same thing but there was no way to prove it, now that they have found a way to calculate it and put it on the paper that plants can communicate, hence its proven!

Ancient civilizations, cultures whether mythical or not said that plants were there allies, healers, shamans, teachers but nobody gave a shit about it. Now the scientists are talking and giving away facts, we have proved it, its there. But it was not until they realized.

All civilizations or cultures modern or ancient have used some kind of shaman/teacher/healer/ ally, to know there higher-self. The pursuit of knowing oneself and connecting to the source does not apply anymore, we are more like those zombies who eat, pray and work, we no-longer connect with selves, we didn't have time to do that. We have been mis-guided so very well that there is almost nothing we can do about it, even though we know that something is missing in our lives ( the inner peace ) is no longer available. Our truth-seekers, our philosophers, our priests, our healers are in a dilemma, the luxury of materialistic aspects struck mankind so hard that our ancestors lived in an illusion, they lived a mythical life, well Rome wasn't build in one day, Pyramids are still standing the gaint olmec heads still remain, how backward and illiterate can our ancestors be, how arrogant, how egoistic bastards of us to call them mythical, illusionists---- we have mastered the technique of lying to ourselves, we really live in a denial.

Sometimes i think that it is better to walk-away from all this, but then again what difference will it make, i will disappoint a couple of souls and make none happy. But if you really gotta do something about it, then you gotta pull yourself together and do whatever you can to spread the truth, the happiness, the lost peace and love. 

 One day we all are going to get lost in midst of stars and turn into cosmic dust.  

Saturday, June 16, 2012

What really matters !

“Be content with what you have; rejoice the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.”

I often asked myself what can i possibly own, a car, a house or a fat bank account or may be all of them, but what will i do with them. Travel in a car alone, stay at home, or spend
money shopping, i am not built that way. I like to keep all my possessions in a backpack. I am 24 years old and there is not much that i owe besides my laptop and some traveling gear and some clothes. Most of my friends have jobs, nice phones, lives and routines and sometimes it bothers me ! And i feel like a giant failure walking on a path to nowhere. I start to think that how i've let myself and my family down. The fact really troubles me and i get depressed and start sulking in, until my mind screams, this is what makes me happy, this is what defines me, this is who i am. Whatever i have learned, whoever i am today is because of the choices that i have made.

Crossing over from the world that society expects you to live to one that is unconventional takes time. You have to train yourself to let one go and the other one in. Slowly slowly. The more you start to live life in its present state, the more you’ll start to understand that this is the only way we should be living and the only way that creates meaning in our lives. The stuff tends to fade into the background and you’ll realize just how easy it is to walk away from it all. Suddenly the smiles and the love is all that matters. It’s nice to have the nice things as well, and you can still enjoy them when they come into your life, but you are not a slave to them anymore and you can easily let them come and go.

Many of us spend so much energy and time trying to protect our identity in order to feel a sense of existence – our bodies, our memories, our ideas and inspirations, our relationships with others, all the material things we have: a house, a car, a company, a job, some money… etc. So much fear is based on the fear of loosing our identity; fear of loosing our “selves”, fear of loosing the reference point, fear of letting go of control. 

The truth is, we don’t own anything in the very first place. It is only the appearance of owning, a false identification or sense that we are separated and alone, an unnecessary need to protect some illusionary fantasy.

Yes, it is scary to let go. It is scary to the mind. The mind is afraid to face the obvious fact that we don’t own anything in the beginning. The mind is happy with the little personal comfortable world that it has created for itself, where everything is familiar, repetitive, expected, and known. But there is a greater Will in play; It is forever, and is the only Will that is ever in charge. This life was never meant for ourselves or for the comfort of the ego; it is meant for excitement and adventure.  It is meant to be open and to receive the unending river of Grace. Beyond our little perfect world is a Universe that is spacious and timeless, that is infinite and eternal. And it is by turning our attention away from our limited identity that we can finally have our attention available for the greatest part of the universe, the infinite part of our true identity. 

It's easy  to accumulate possessions, but relationships and people are what matters.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Second-hand life in a second-hand world based on second-hand facts

I have been answering way too many questions, its just been a couple of months since i have been away from my home. Everything is not what it seems to be, we all know this hard fact of life. But when you self-realize it, the feeling is quite bitter. I have been working my ass off  so that i could save some money for my travels. I don't mind working, i enjoy it, it gets on to you'r nerves when you have to answer all the questions. Sometimes meeting complete strangers and finding yourself in an uneasy spot. You know that you don't have to be there, you know that you are not meant to answer that, but in a situation like this there is nothing much that you can do, retreat or may be surrender !! Time is the best teacher that a student can ask for, and if one is paying attention and acknowledging time there is never a moment when you will not learn something. This is my answer to every question that was asked to me.

Today we are living in a world where everyone is more or less satisfied. Man has all the comforts and everything he needs and does not need. There will come a time, however, when man will be prepared to throw off these comforts. luxury and comfort weaken the will and keep men under constant hypnosis. Alcohol and drugs are not as dangerous as man's total slavery to luxury. He cannot pull himself away from them. It is impossible unless he has become aware of something more than his parents and society could give him !

One of our problem is that very few of us have developed any distinctive personal life. Everything about us seems secondhand, even our emotions. In many cases we have to rely on second-hand information, in order to function. i accept the world of a physician, a scientist, a farmer, on trust. i do not like to do this ! I have to because they posses vital information and knowledge of living of which i am ignorant. second-hand information concerning the state of my kidneys, heart, lungs, i can live with. but when it comes to questions of meaning, purpose and death, second-hand information will not do. I cannot survive on a second-hand god. there has to be a personal word, a unique confrontation, if i am to come alive !

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Why all the suffering !! You know who you are !

Waking up in the middle of night, shifting under the blankets and feeling the heart of the person next to you. You turn around and see them in their most peaceful, innocent, and vulnerable state. They breathe as though the weight of the world lies on anyone's shoulders but their own. You smile and kiss their face in the gentlest manner so as not to wake them. You turn back and an involuntary grin forms on your face. This is what i felt like when i saw my friends face a little while ago and i had an urge to write about the feeling that passed me and the sufferings we all have to face.

"Life has no limitations, except the ones you make."

We all have to suffer. It's a very cold hearted fact of life. Everyone- from the sweetest little child to the oldest and kindest old lady, has to suffer. No one escapes the losses and hardships. All this makes sense if this suffering is brought upon us because someone we loved passed away or someone in our family is sick, but what if the suffering brought upon us is because of the society that we are a part of. We are the radical minds, we are people who try to find our own reality and purpose and it can get very hard for people like us to fit in. I am 24 year old fart :P, religiously speaking i am sick, but my religion is Humanity, my nationality is Indian, but i consider myself to be a citizen of this whole truth-forsaken world, infact a citizen of this whole Universe, I know a few languages but i speak love. If i say this publicly, i may be considered insane or worse, i might be considered a threat to the society. So this friend i was talking about, she is also like me and you having a lot of problems facing the New-World. It is always very difficult to find your ways through and for people who are from small towns like mine, face the worse. I could not tell her much, all i did was gave her a shoulder that she can lean on to, as i myself am trying to fit in to the modern ways of living. The things that i did manage to tell her was that the most beautiful people are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss and found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving  concern. Beautiful people does not just happen. At the end of the day we don't have to take much with us except for the beautiful time spend, all the adventures, all the experiences and all the memories.

 I believe  that, contemporary WORLD is a symbolic concentration of all the good and the bad of our civilization - ranging from the fantastic development of science and technology generating more welfare and the profundity of civil liberty and strength of democratic institutions, to the blind cult of perpetual economic growth and never-ending consumption, no matter how detrimental to the environment, the dictates of materialism, consumerism and advertising, the voiding of human uniqueness and its replacement by the uniformity of the round-the-clock noise of TV banality.....who thinks today about future generations? who is concerned about what people will eat, drink, breathe in one hundred years, where they will get energy when there are twice as many people living on this planet as today? only an idealist, a dreamer, a genuinely spiritual person who, they say, is not modern me, like you and like my sobbing friend who i mentioned in this post.

Speaking from a genuine and a curious heart, is this what we thrive and is this that is making people like us suffer the ever not going religious superstition, the cult of so called economic growth, the dictatorship of materialism ? What about our growth as a Species, well consuming is not growing, but is going a step forward to your own extinction. We are only trying to help and get you back to the ways of life. Instead of us suffering, it should have been you, but since we have realized something we only want to share it with you and help you heal the world and help you heal 'you'

"Turn criticism into appreciation. Turn judgment into admiration. See beauty in darkness. See love in light. See truth in love. Always forgive as the world is transformed through kindness and patience and by changing our perspective and changing our perception, we change our world. The world cannot change through demand and expectation. Learn to value failures and mistakes, to be patient towards all that is unsolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves ... Do not now seek answers, which cannot be given you, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then, gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into answer. "

Friday, March 9, 2012

Understanding the beautiful you and believing in what you create

We are not here to please anyone, we are not here to take orders, we are not here to believe what is already there, we are not here to be actors who are a part of one big DRAMA. Our being here is a very special gift and we need to acknowledge this fact. Unfortunately our life has been scripted and dictated to us by different entities influencing us in every sphere of our lives. Just wanted to add, i am sitting here in my front-yard listening to some great music and there is some kind of bird making such a sweet sound that tempted me so much that i had stop writing for some time and feel the little fella singing the song, "melts my heart and brings sweetness to my life." And not to mention my mom is crazy about gardening and she has got all sorts of flowers blossoming here in my front yard. And i am sitting here writing this , makes me feel alive, makes me feel connected, i feel like that i am part of something.

Before i come back to what i started, i would like to say that these little things these flowers, the chirping of the birds, the blue sky, the green grass is what inspires everyone of us at some point or the other and helps us in finding who we really are. If it wasn't for that apple that fell-off  from the apple tree when Sir Issac Newton was sitting underneath it, the laws of gravity would not have been discovered by Mr. Newton. There are signs that are helping us 24*7, all we have to do is look around.

The modern society, the 21st century inventions have made our lives easy and comfortable but of all the easiness and comfort that we have, we still wander and thrive for our own true existence. There are people blinded by myths,superstitions, religion and some of them even by science. The culture that i belong to does not allow us to go beyond the belief that one has to serve this life with truth and justice, there is a list of things that we have to do and things that we don't have to do. And if we serve this life well and our doings are justified we will be rewarded with fruits of heaven. Most of the cultures are based on these theories. But the irony is that nobody makes his own destiny going beyond the traditional ways of life.  And to add the duality of it, Women are considered to be the source of life but when it comes to treating them good, the moral integrity is nowhere to be seen. In India, women are beaten, caged, sold, raped, murdered and even kept as sex slaves. If somebody finds out that the womb of a mother is carrying a girl child, they are bound to get abortion-ed and people like them are so religious and pure they say,


meaning "a woman is an avatar of the goddess herself.'' How disconnected we are, how much of duality is filled in our minds. Our doings in this cynical world that we are a part of won't do us any good attaining 'MOKSHA'. 

What we see and what is pleasing to the naked eye is not always right.

It's not just the women who are tortured and tormented, we still believe in racism and caste system. And there are a lot more things that i don't even want to talk about.

Now the 21st century philosophy which says that lack of education is the reason for all these superstitious and mythical beliefs that have been carried out in different parts of the world. I ask all of those people who believe in 21st century philosophy, what about the self-respect and what about the moral integrity ? no one taught you that ? I inherited my moral sense from all the social elements that you and me share, i still believe that we could live together with peace and harmony, respecting the different ways of life. And from time to time i keep asking myself, am i doing the right thing, are my actions hurting some body's feelings and emotions. I am able to do this because i feel connected not just to myself, or the ones i love but i feel connected with everything that is there. What is it that we can owe, when we already know that everything out there is ours ! We are nobody's property, there is nothing that can owe you. The grass under our feet is ours, the sky, the trees, the meadows, the plains, the rivers and the mountains and the sun and the moon, everything is ours, everything is connected, we just have to open our minds and keep a friendly heart.

The disconnection of naive mind from its true self has turned us all into some kind of zombies who are working together in one big scripted reality series. The 21st century luxuries. the cars, the airplanes and those automated robots have made us lazy, life has been restricted to not more then a remote. The pleasure that we get walking the earth, cooking our food with our own hands, sharing all that we have and caring for everything that is there is an unexplained feeling, try it for yourself.

There is beauty, there is love, there is you and there is everything that you dream of. Life is beautiful, peaceful, colorful, spiritual and full of uncertainties, if you want it to be.

You don't have to believe what is already there for you. Everyone of us has to travel the far-away lands and make our life a beautiful journey filled only with peace, love, happiness and joy.

''If you are hit with TRUTH and REALITY very hard only then you understand it.''

So stop living in the illusion and make your own way.

Finding me

One year ago, i was in such a different place. Not geographically, but mentally, emotionally and spiritually. My world as i knew was kind of fading away and i was drifting away from myself.

I had to take a good hard look in the good old metaphorical mirror and i knew i had to make some significant changes. I had to change certain things about myself, not just the way i lived my life but also the life i was living.

Looking inward and questioning my choices was never going to be easy, i had to be honest and it was one challenging experience. Accepting your own flaws, faults, fears and on top of that choosing to better yourself, is no day at the children's park. Nobody's perfect and i don't want to be, neither i am trying, but i had to ask myself, ''Am i living living my life as the best version of me, as the kind of person i am ??'' And i wasn't surprised to know the answer, not even close. Then i started thinking and analyzing that what kind of life is it that i want to go on with. 

The only dream or the only thing that makes me happy is Traveling. It's not like that i wasn't Traveling before i had this conversation with the good old ''me'', it's just that i was too busy doing other dumb things in my life which meant nothing and only served as a distraction to my true journey. I was so caught up in shit or i can say that i had tied myself up, i was holding back and waiting for something that was never meant to happen. I don't know how many times have i said this to myself and i am saying this again, i need to have a destination in my mind and that is how i am going to know which path do i need to walk on, i just can't keep wandering, waiting for the right thing to happen.

And so it is done; from this moment on-wards every second of my life has to be geared towards making my dream come true. Having said this makes me feel so self-assured and at Peace.

It's very important to give yourself a pat on the back every now and then and appreciate who you are and where you are going.

Learning yourself is not an easy process and one has to go through a lot before he does, but if you don't know yourself, how can you expect to grow as an individual. I always embrace myself for who i am and for what choices i have made. I feel extremely blessed to find myself at this pivotal time of change and still so much more ahead.

Everybody needs inspiration and i have been inspired in abundance.It's about time that i bring the change and make it happen ! 

Life is a Journey

We are all travelers. We all follow paths. Our destinations may not be the same but the way we get there is. We journey through life in pursuit of happiness and satisfaction. Sometimes we find it and sometimes we don't. There are signs along the way, which very few of us observe. Getting lost while on the journey is something that everyone experiences at one point or another and i believe most of us have learned the hard way. These are lessons to be learned. Straying of the road can lead one into some unfamiliar territory and this is where you encounter temptation and your desire kicks in. But how many times will you choose the temptress ?? Chances ought to be taken, as i have learned the hard way the straight smooth road will always not be the right one.We are all human, we all mess up. We hurt ourselves as well as each other and sometimes even sacrifice the moral integrity for our own selfishness. That does not literally mean that all is lost. There are two sides of coin, life is good and bad, humans are saints and sinners at the same time. We have the potential to achieve a greater understanding about the quest known as life. We just need to look at the bigger picture. 

Many people live as life were a race to get to the grave as smoothly as possible with as few detours as possible. At the end of their lives they are worn out and feel like they never accomplished anything. Then someday they realize that the gift they were given is almost over without having been enjoyed. The moments that are meant to be savored and shared with those who are close to you aren't about whether you go to heaven or not, they are simply about living, existing, having a part and a place in this Universe, if only for a moment.

Life's a journey you take with the people around you, life is a journey you take with yourself, each choice you make to let an experience pass you by is one more thing you miss out on. It's one memory that you didn't take the chance on making. Believe in anything you want, just don't let your beliefs become the excuse you use to be afraid of living your life. No matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, you can't change the fact that you live in now.

Do yourself a favor and add a few pit stops on the road that you're walking. Watch a sunset with someone you love, spend a playful Sunday with your kids, take the time to know how good a rose smells or how much nature cares for you.

Life is the particular road i've chosen to be on in a journey that moves forward into striking possibilities and adventures while remembering my past, and if i am not enthusiastic, if life doesn't tingle and i keep seeing the same scenery over and over again, it's because i've gotten lazy and started to walk in circles.

I have got a bonfire going, my bonfire: for me it's a way to experience my journey into myself and out to the stars , in and out of time, a wisdom that i need to live well through my actions ! 

I am not in a hurry !!  

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Love, Peace, Freedom, Happiness and Joy !

If you know you could succeed just by believing you could, you would no longer be evasive nor reluctant to change your life for the better ! You would come to terms that anything is possible.

Chaos, Unrest and Corruption have been a part of our lives but they are not here to stay forever, we are if we choose to. We have to come out of the hiding and truly live our lives from the heart boldly and confidently ! For we realize that  FREEDOM and LOVE is the only way , acknowledged and respected ! No one is in-charge of you !

It takes wisdom and knowledge to sever any negative ties to your beingness. An open optimistic mindset can free you even further, if you allow to do so. You should be able to sustain yourself freely, easily and in PEACE. You are more than what you are. You are powerful beings of great love and i am sure that you fell that every moment. All you have to do is manifest the love within, do so, stand up and be accountable in changing your life.

Everyone has a desire to be happy and to be filled with LOVE and JOY. In this pursuit of HAPPINESS we tend to get inclined towards the materialistic aspects of life, like having a beautiful home, a magical car, fat bank accounts and so forth and so on. And you begin to think that these are the things that will keep me happy and going for the rest of my life. And that is when you forget about your relationship with your loved ones and forget about your true-self. And then comes the point when you have achieved all the riches, all the goals and all the  success you desired of, the resulting joy and happiness last for a very short period of time and very soon the yearning reattaches to yet another desire, another thing you need to achieve in order to finally reach the state of HAPPINESS.

But the real question is have you ever asked yourself, what is my emotional state of desire ? Is my life filled with love ? A dedication, a commitment to speak and think from your desired emotional states is what you need. The power to live a state of LOVE and JOY, PEACE and HAPPINESS is within you. When your mind and body start working together they manifest an emotional state of LOVE, PEACE, FREEDOM and JOY and you start making different choices. Choices that heal you inner-self. Different people are drawn to you and yes, the angels begin to sprinkle your life with newness, as it blossoms wide in possibility, coincidence and serendipity starts gracing your life.

You have all the time in the world to evolve. You are full of patience, for this is a life created by your spirit from the fullness of your heart and your spirit is capable of much greater dreams than ever your mind could envision. Every thing there is and everything there will be is already yours. And now you have only to sit back in deep gratitude and watch the beautiful blendings and communions of life and death, there joyous inseparable unity as taught in the woods and meadows, plains and mountains and the streams of our blessed star.

Monday, March 5, 2012

My Spiritual Journey

It might sound paradox, but at one level i was always interested in the deeper side of life; and at another level it all happened suddenly ! As they say everything comes to you when you are ready for it. It was around the year 2006. Life had thrown me a curve, and to be honest i dived deeply into the spiritual aspect. I had no idea that this expedition would lead to a complete inner shift. T a desire, called Enlightenment.

"Consciousness reaches out to consciousness."

At the beginning all of it was too much for me,, but at the same time is was enjoying myself and i felt to be with myself for the first time. I was hearing all sorts of things about religion, mysticism and what not. I felt that this is not the only way to help myself, i had to do more than that. It seemed that my view had been blocked, my thoughts narrowed and restricted to a certain level of thinking. I had to move away from it and step into the next level, which definitely was a turn. I started reading these books and all sorts of articles these English and European  were writing about indigo's and crystals and star seeds, for a point in my life i was beginning to think that this might be it, this could have been the answer that i was longing for. I tried to find my way and i tried to fit in, which to a certain extent i did, but then again i didn't wanted to cling on to something which was already there. I had to find my own way.

"Man loves because he is love. He seeks joy, for he is joy. He thirsts for Go for he is composed of God"   Sathya Sai Baba

We all yearn to explore and we all aspire to know more and being curious is a natural state of mind. And the urge that we have to explore ourselves, we end labeling it as our passion, inclination, impulse or may be in a much tangible form, "our goals and inspirations." This is what was coming between me and my spiritual path, this is what was blocking the view and restricting my thoughts. But this was the only answer to all my questions. In any beginning there's desire, desire to grow, desire to have it all, desire to seek knowledge and truth and even the desire to get away from the materialistic aspects of life. And it is not only you who desires. How can that be ? If you understood WE ARE ONE, then we shall also understand that our quest is ONE too. WE ARE ONE, dearest beloved, WE ARE ONE, and not only in some abstract sense or distant realm but in the reality of your here and now.

I believe in all that you have to say and i believe in all that is there and i thank everyone for this most amazing day, for the greenly spirits of trees, and for the blue dream of sky and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes. And this is where i believe the true quest for my journey begins, i believe in my heart that i have transformed from one entirely different human being to I and I will keep my quest running until i become ONE.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Hope For Better Tomorrow

I am no scholar or saint or philosopher, i am just like any other person, but at times even one person, who is a nobody can certainly make the change and bring revolution. I am not saying that i am here to make a difference, all i am saying is that i hope for a better tomorrow. My present surroundings or the conditions around are kind of messed up by the things that took place before me. I do not blame anyone for that, what happened has already happened. It was in our past that we build the impossible and it is in our present that we collectively are working to ruin everything. If you lived 100 years from now and could look back on the crossroads humanity faces today, you would know how important these moments are to you and future generations. You would be able to see the choices and the decisions needed. You would have a clear understanding of the awesome potential humanity has now to shift into an existence based on love. You would see the other options, too, with their dire consequences.  

Speaking of past and now, let me be a little more clear, our past is responsible for our present and our future, good or bad whatever happened has already happened and there is no way one can change that. All we have to do is to take all the good from our past and implement that, good, on our now and tomorrow. The other day my friend told me that the education system in India is fucked up and he was not wrong when he made that statement. Is this what our children deserve, i have suffered and i am sure a lot of other people have also suffered because of this minor glitch in one big civilization that we are a part of among many other glitches as well.

I have always asked myself what created boundaries, all the differences we have. Was there something our forefathers were trying to protect from each other and if there was something, it had to be very precious, something higher then our knowledge and intelligence and something that we haven't discovered yet, coz if we had discovered it, there will be only harmony and freedom among us. Everyone has been searching for some kind of divine intervention, how hard can it be ? how far do we have to go ? As far as i know we all are walking the same path and we all know where that path leads consciously or unconsciously. We all have our ups and downs and we all make something out of the time we spend while walking the path to ONE source. There is no time like the present to forgive and let go of the past. More than any other time, right now is a pivotal moment for clearing up past grudges and feelings of victimization. People must do this, countries must do this.
The borders you have erected are only in your mind. These borders must be dismantled before the new light-filled Earth can materialize.  Your inner wisdom - integrally connected to your spiritual self - already has this bigger picture. That wise part of you does not need to wait 100 years to have the fuller view. It knows right now, regularly nudging you to surrender your hurts so that you can become whole.

Remember that each new cycle is another opportunity to plant new kinds of seeds. What will you plant today?