I am no scholar or saint or philosopher, i am just like any other person, but at times even one person, who is a nobody can certainly make the change and bring revolution. I am not saying that i am here to make a difference, all i am saying is that i hope for a better tomorrow. My present surroundings or the conditions around are kind of messed up by the things that took place before me. I do not blame anyone for that, what happened has already happened. It was in our past that we build the impossible and it is in our present that we collectively are working to ruin everything. If you lived 100 years from now and could look back on the crossroads humanity faces today, you would know how important these moments are to you and future generations. You would be able to see the choices and the decisions needed. You would have a clear understanding of the awesome potential humanity has now to shift into an existence based on love. You would see the other options, too, with their dire consequences.
Speaking of past and now, let me be a little more clear, our past is responsible for our present and our future, good or bad whatever happened has already happened and there is no way one can change that. All we have to do is to take all the good from our past and implement that, good, on our now and tomorrow. The other day my friend told me that the education system in India is fucked up and he was not wrong when he made that statement. Is this what our children deserve, i have suffered and i am sure a lot of other people have also suffered because of this minor glitch in one big civilization that we are a part of among many other glitches as well.
I have always asked myself what created boundaries, all the differences we have. Was there something our forefathers were trying to protect from each other and if there was something, it had to be very precious, something higher then our knowledge and intelligence and something that we haven't discovered yet, coz if we had discovered it, there will be only harmony and freedom among us. Everyone has been searching for some kind of divine intervention, how hard can it be ? how far do we have to go ? As far as i know we all are walking the same path and we all know where that path leads consciously or unconsciously. We all have our ups and downs and we all make something out of the time we spend while walking the path to ONE source. There is no time like the present to forgive and let go of the past. More than any other time, right now is a pivotal moment for clearing up past grudges and feelings of victimization. People must do this, countries must do this.
The borders you have erected are only in your mind. These borders must be dismantled before the new light-filled Earth can materialize. Your inner wisdom - integrally connected to your spiritual self - already has this bigger picture. That wise part of you does not need to wait 100 years to have the fuller view. It knows right now, regularly nudging you to surrender your hurts so that you can become whole.
Remember that each new cycle is another opportunity to plant new kinds of seeds. What will you plant today?
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