Waking up in the middle of night, shifting under the blankets and feeling the heart of the person next to you. You turn around and see them in their most peaceful, innocent, and vulnerable state. They breathe as though the weight of the world lies on anyone's shoulders but their own. You smile and kiss their face in the gentlest manner so as not to wake them. You turn back and an involuntary grin forms on your face. This is what i felt like when i saw my friends face a little while ago and i had an urge to write about the feeling that passed me and the sufferings we all have to face.
"Life has no limitations, except the ones you make."
We all have to suffer. It's a very cold hearted fact of life. Everyone- from the sweetest little child to the oldest and kindest old lady, has to suffer. No one escapes the losses and hardships. All this makes sense if this suffering is brought upon us because someone we loved passed away or someone in our family is sick, but what if the suffering brought upon us is because of the society that we are a part of. We are the radical minds, we are people who try to find our own reality and purpose and it can get very hard for people like us to fit in. I am 24 year old fart :P, religiously speaking i am sick, but my religion is Humanity, my nationality is Indian, but i consider myself to be a citizen of this whole truth-forsaken world, infact a citizen of this whole Universe, I know a few languages but i speak love. If i say this publicly, i may be considered insane or worse, i might be considered a threat to the society. So this friend i was talking about, she is also like me and you having a lot of problems facing the New-World. It is always very difficult to find your ways through and for people who are from small towns like mine, face the worse. I could not tell her much, all i did was gave her a shoulder that she can lean on to, as i myself am trying to fit in to the modern ways of living. The things that i did manage to tell her was that the most beautiful people are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss and found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people does not just happen. At the end of the day we don't have to take much with us except for the beautiful time spend, all the adventures, all the experiences and all the memories.
I believe that, contemporary WORLD is a symbolic concentration of all the good and the bad of our civilization - ranging from the fantastic development of science and technology generating more welfare and the profundity of civil liberty and strength of democratic institutions, to the blind cult of perpetual economic growth and never-ending consumption, no matter how detrimental to the environment, the dictates of materialism, consumerism and advertising, the voiding of human uniqueness and its replacement by the uniformity of the round-the-clock noise of TV banality.....who thinks today about future generations? who is concerned about what people will eat, drink, breathe in one hundred years, where they will get energy when there are twice as many people living on this planet as today? only an idealist, a dreamer, a genuinely spiritual person who, they say, is not modern enough...like me, like you and like my sobbing friend who i mentioned in this post.
Speaking from a genuine and a curious heart, is this what we thrive and is this that is making people like us suffer the ever not going religious superstition, the cult of so called economic growth, the dictatorship of materialism ? What about our growth as a Species, well consuming is not growing, but is going a step forward to your own extinction. We are only trying to help and get you back to the ways of life. Instead of us suffering, it should have been you, but since we have realized something we only want to share it with you and help you heal the world and help you heal 'you'
"Turn criticism into appreciation. Turn judgment into admiration. See beauty in darkness. See love in light. See truth in love. Always forgive as the world is transformed through kindness and patience and by changing our perspective and changing our perception, we change our world. The world cannot change through demand and expectation. Learn to value failures and mistakes, to be patient towards all that is unsolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves ... Do not now seek answers, which cannot be given you, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then, gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into answer. "